About Us
Todo Verde is a technology integration partner that specializes in the delivery of best-of-breed solutions to the private and public sector. Todo Verde delivers powerful, scalable IT ecosystems that increase resource productivity, connect and protect communities and citizens, and aid state, local and educational organizations in cutting costs and affecting change.
▪ Cloud improves organizational agility and accelerates application deployment.
▪ Collaboration diminishes distances and accelerates decisions.
▪ Carrier Service measures and defines connectivity and its utilization, pricing, and diversity for maximum bandwidth at the lowest price point.
▪ Mobility supports BYOD as a reality and norm.
▪ Information security integrates physical, logical, and network security.
▪ Data center and virtualization reduce costs and increase operational efficiency.
▪ Software-defined for scalable, flexible and application-centric infrastructures that deliver the highest quality to your application.
▪ Professional Services include high- and low-level engineering, project management, procurement and warehousing, staging and testing, installation and training, and transition services.
▪ Managed Services include ongoing monitoring and NOC/ SOC support.
Todoverde partners for innovation with rising technology stars and industry leaders alike. We are brand agnostic with all hardware, software, and carrier services. Our mission is to provide the solution that exceeds the expectations and needs of each customer.